Daffodil Foundation
Alleviation of Poverty, Eradication of Suffering and the Accomplishment of Sustainable Development

Message from Chairman
Being the best creation of the almighty, human being have social role to support distressed mankind. There are many ways to measure a person’s success. A truly successful man is one that finds a way to return some of its rewards to the communities in which it operates. A man cannot consider himself truly successful unless it makes an active effort to give back.
There is so much opportunity for helping the underprivileged through corporate social responsibility to use some of our monetary successes together with the energy of our spirited team to benefit others.
Our Services
The Foundation is the corporate social responsibility arm of Daffodil Family. Daffodil Foundation is a non-government, non-profitable, non-political, voluntary and charitable organization to promote policies and undertake initiatives, which lead to the improvement of the quality of life of the people and that of the future generations of Bangladesh.

Development Programs
The objectives of development programs are to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives. The development programs will incorporate the following principles of the development process:
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Educational Program
Basic Education Program
Non-Formal Primary Education for Older Children
Continuing Education Program
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Social Awareness Program
Medical Support Program:
Free medical advice by expert doctor,
Necessary medical treatment, etc
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Our concerns...

And many more.
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Our Achievement



